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"The Psychology of Entertainment Media: Blurring the Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion provides a cutting-edge look at how entertainment media affects its viewers, both in intended and unintended ways, and the psychological processes that underlie these effects. This collection represents an international, multidisciplinary investigation of an age-old process - persuasion - in a relatively new guise, that includes product placements, brand films, television programs, and sponsorships." "Contributions focus on a variety of topics, including product placement; subliminal perception; narrative impact; cultivation effects on consumers; and individual differences in media use. Virtually all the chapters speak to the issue of how entertainment media are processed, with the conclusion that media consumers do tend to process entertainment and promotional information differently." "This book is appropriate for advanced students and scholars in marketing, advertising, psychology, and mass communication; for research-focused practitioners working in marketing, advertising, and public policy; and for individuals interested in entertainment studies, consumer behavior, attitudes, persuasion, media studies, and consumer psychology."--Jacket.
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Previews available in: English
Persuasion (Psychology), Subliminal advertising, Advertising, Mass media, Manipulative behavior, Psychological aspects, Fernsehsendung, Fernsehen, Unterhaltungssendung, Overreding, Werbesendung, Reclame, Massamedia, Médias, Aspect psychologique, Propaganda subliminar, 05.31 publicity, Manipulation (Psychologie), Comunicação de massa (aspectos psicológicos), Subliminale waarneming, Publicité subliminale, Persuasion (Psychologie), Suggestivwerbung, Massenmedien, Psychologie, Publicité, Propaganda (aspectos psicológicos), Persuasão, Amusement, Werbung, Psychology, methodology, Psychology, philosophy, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, Advertising & PromotionBook Details
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes
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Miami University of Ohio MARC recordIthaca College Library MARC record
Internet Archive item record
Marygrove College MARC record
Internet Archive item record
Library of Congress MARC record
Better World Books record
marc_columbia MARC record
marc_nuls MARC record
marc_columbia MARC record
harvard_bibliographic_metadata record
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