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This volume is concerned with optimal control problems governed by ordinary differential systems and partial differential equations. The emphasis is on first-order necessary conditions of optimality and the construction of optimal controllers in feedback forms. These subjects are treated using some new concepts and techniques in modern optimization theory, such as Clarke's generalized gradient, Ekeland's variational principle, viscosity solution to the Hamilton--Jacobi equation, and smoothing processes for optimal control problems governed by variational inequalities. A substantial part of this book is devoted to applications and examples. A background in advanced calculus will enable readers to understand most of this book, including the statement of the Pontriagin maximum principle and many of the applications. This work will be of interest to graduate students in mathematics and engineering, and researchers in applied mathematics, control theory and systems theory.
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Control theory, Mathematical optimization, Dynamic programming, Partial Differential equations, Mathematics, System theory, Differential Equations, Differential equations, partial, Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control; Optimization, Control Systems Theory, Ordinary Differential EquationsEdition | Availability |
Mathematical Methods in Optimization of Differential Systems
Jan 10, 2012, Springer
9401107610 9789401107617
Mathematical Methods in Optimization of Differential Systems
2012, Springer
in English
9401107602 9789401107600
Mathematical Methods in Optimization of Differential Systems
Oct 20, 2012, Springer
9401043272 9789401043274
Mathematical methods in optimization of differential systems
1994, Kluwer Academic
in English
0792331761 9780792331766
Book Details
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
"This is an updated and revised translation of the original Romanian work, Metode matematice in optimizarea sistemelor differentiale, Editura Academiei, Bucharest, c1989"--T.p. verso.
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