CHAPTER LVI. A Voyage projected by the Author to Callao, Peru, with a Valuable Cargo — How it was Frustrated — Supercargo Sherman makes a Judicious Investment in Goods at Honolulu, and Returns with them in the " Nick of Time" — The " Euphemia " Sold to the City of San Francisco — The Vessel was Noted for Profitable Ventures and Good Luck — Major Reading, the Author and Others Embark in a Flour Speculation to Oregon — The Vessel Employed Reaches her Point of Destination ; Secures a Cargo, but is Frozen in on the Columbia River— The Brooklyn Arrives from New Vork in 1846, with 23c Passengers — Sam Brannan was on Board, at the Head of an Organized Mili- tary Company — It was their Intention to Floist the American Flag, but they were a Little too Late — Many of the New Comers were Mechanics, and the Hum of Industry was Soon Heard — Mr Brannan Extolled as Laying the Corner- stone of San Francisco's Future Prosperity — Vessels Arrive by the Dozen from all Parts of the World — The Author Purchases a Sample of Scale Gold Dust from a Couple of Miners — Its Purity Doubted — It Stands the Acid Test — Gold Weighing Scales in Demand — Arrival of the First Gold-Seekers — A Broadside Salute from the Pacific Squadron then in Port — Alfred Robinson, First Agent of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company — He Still Survives Beyond the Age of Four Score Years — A Night Alarm — Safety Sought by Frightened Women — Ruffianly Work of the " Hounds " — Mr Brannan Takes the Lead in a Movement Against the Desperadoes — Patrols Organized and Parade the Streets for Weeks — The "Hounds" when Identified, were Arrested, Ironed and Placed on Board the Ship " Warren" to Await Trial — Hall McAllister Appeared Against Them — A Tribute to McAllister — Mr Maynard Makes a Survey which Demonstrates the Possibility of Navigating the Sacramento River with a Vessel of 600 or 800 Tons Burden — He Goes East and Forms a Syndicate which Purchases the "Senator" — When the Vessel Arrives in the Bay Mr Brannan as Spokesman of a Partnership of Four, Offered $250,000 in Gold Dust for the "Senator," Which was Rejected — The Vessel not for Sale — The "Senator" Leaves a Memorable Record
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