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In this book the authors study the differential geometry of varieties with degenerate Gauss maps. They use the main methods of differential geometry, namely, the methods of moving frames and exterior differential forms as well as tensor methods. By means of these methods, the authors discover the structure of varieties with degenerate Gauss maps, determine the singular points and singular varieties, find focal images and construct a classification of the varieties with degenerate Gauss maps. The authors introduce the above mentioned methods and apply them to a series of concrete problems arising in the theory of varieties with degenerate Gauss maps. What makes this book unique is the authors’ use of a systematic application of methods of projective differential geometry along with methods of the classical algebraic geometry for studying varieties with degenerate Gauss maps. This book is intended for researchers and graduate students interested in projective differential geometry and algebraic geometry and their applications. It can be used as a text for advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Differential Geometry of Varieties with Degenerate Gauss Maps
Dec 14, 2011, Springer
144192339X 9781441923394
Differential Geometry of Varieties with Degenerate Gauss Maps
2006, Springer London, Limited
in English
0387215115 9780387215112
Differential Geometry of Varieties with Degenerate Gauss Maps (CMS Books in Mathematics)
November 11, 2003, Springer
in English
0387404635 9780387404639
Book Details
First Sentence
"1.1.1 The General Linear Group. In what follows, the notion of a finite-dimensional vector space Ln over the field of real or complex numbers will play an important role."
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Source records recordLibrary of Congress MARC record
Internet Archive item record
Internet Archive item record
Internet Archive item record
Internet Archive item record
Internet Archive item record
Better World Books record
Library of Congress MARC record
marc_columbia MARC record
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