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Freeman's The Benefits of Environmental Improvement: Theory and Practice, published by RFF in 1979, examined in a clear and objective manner the relationship between benefits and environmental decision-making and the problems involved in measuring the values of environmental changes. The years following publication of this state-of-the-art study have seen a virtual explosion of new theoretical developments and empirical applications in resource and environmental valuation.
In the manner of its distinguished predecessor this new work presents a comprehensive, rigorous treatment of benefit measurement that includes entirely reworked analyses of such topics as the contingent valuation technique, valuing improved health, property value models, and the travel cost approach.
New topics include intertemporal welfare measures, the use of discrete choice models, the valuation of risk changes, hedonic wage models, nonuse values, and measurement of the cost of environmental policies.
The Measurement of Environmental and Resource Values provides an introduction to the principal methods and techniques of resource and environmental valuation to professional economists and graduate students who are not directly engaged in the field. Practitioners in the field will welcome the work as an up-to-date reference on recent developments in the theory and methods underlying the practice of resource valuation.
Readers of every kind will understand more clearly and appreciate the important role that estimates of the economic values of environmental and resource services can play in supporting resource and environmental management decisions.
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Previews available in: English
Cost effectiveness, Evaluation, Environmental policy, Real Estate, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, General, Evaluation environnementale, Cout-efficacite, Efficacite, Environnement, Analyse cout-benefice, Recreation, Politique environnementale, Politique de l'environnement, Modeles mathematiques, Evaluation de l'environnement, Umweltpolitik, Environmental factors, Natural resources, Utilisation des ressources, Models, Gestion des ressources, Measurement, Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse, Economie de l'environnement, Methodologie, Ressources naturelles, Gestion des ressources naturelles, Politique gouvernementale, Ressourcenpolitik, Environmental policy, cost effectiveness, Coût-efficacité, Évaluation, Environmental policy--cost effectiveness, Environmental policy--evaluation, Hc79.e5 f713 1993, 333.7Edition | Availability |
The measurement of environmental and resource values: theory and methods
2003, Resources for the Future
in English
- 2nd ed
1891853635 9781891853630
The measurement of environmental and resource values: theory and methods
1993, Resources for the Future
in English
0915707683 9780915707683
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
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