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John Wiley & Sons,
Brand: Jossey-Bass
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Previews available in: English
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Gender identity and sexual orientation: research, policy, and personal perspectives
2005, Jossey-Bass, John Wiley & Sons, Brand: Jossey-Bass
in English
0787983284 9780787983284
Book Details
Table of Contents
Do policies matter? / Beth Zemsky, Ronnie L. Sanlo
Campus climates for sexual minorities / Susan R. Rankin
Analysis of LGBT identity development models and implications for practice / Brent L. Bilodeau, Kristen A. Renn
Multiple identities: creating community on campus for LGBT students / Kerry John Poynter, Jamie Washington
Transgender issues on college campuses / Brett Beemyn, Billy Curtis, Masen Davis, Nancy Jean Tubbs
LGBT students in community college: characteristics, challenges, and recommendations / Brain T. Ivory
The evolution of an LGBT Center at a public institution / Robin Ryan
Incorporating LGBT issues into student affairs graduate education / D.M. Talbot, Wanda L.E. Viento
The role of senior student affairs officers in supporting LGBT students / Larry D. Roper
Professional associates: Journeys in student affairs / Judith A. Albin, Gwendolyn Jordan Dungy.
Edition Notes
"Fall 2005."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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