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CanadaEdition | Availability |
Towards a new national broadcasting policy: new policies and initiatives to provide Canadians with greater program choice and make the Canadian broadcasting industry more competitive: a response to new technologies and a changing environment.. --
1983, Dept. of Communications, [1983]
in English
0662124510 9780662124511
Towards a new national broadcasting policy: new policies and initiatives ... : a response to new technologies and a changing environment.
1983, Government of Canada, Dept. of Communications
in English
0662124510 9780662124511
Towards a new national broadcasting policy: new policies and initiatives to provide Canadians with greater program choice and make the Canadian broadcasting industry more competitive: a response to new technologies and a changing environment.
1983, Dept. of Communications
in English
0662124510 9780662124511
Book Details
Edition Notes
"Cat. no. Co22-38/1983E"--T.p. verso.
Illustrated summary on folded sheet in pocket.
"Memorandum of understanding concerning the establishment of the Canadian Broadcast Program Development Fund" (6 p.) in pocket.
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April 2, 2019 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
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