An edition of A voyage to South America (1760)

A voyage to South America

describing at large, the Spanish cities, towns, provinces, &c. on that extensive continent : interspersed throughout with reflexions on whatever is peculiar in the religion and civil policy : in the genius, customs, manners, dress, &c. &c. of the several inhabitants : whether natives, Spaniards, creoles, Indians, mulattoes, or negroes : together with the natural as well as commercial history of the country : and an account of their gold and silver mines

The second edition / revised and corrected.
A voyage to South America
Antonio de Ulloa, Antonio de U ...

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February 7, 2019 | History
An edition of A voyage to South America (1760)

A voyage to South America

describing at large, the Spanish cities, towns, provinces, &c. on that extensive continent : interspersed throughout with reflexions on whatever is peculiar in the religion and civil policy : in the genius, customs, manners, dress, &c. &c. of the several inhabitants : whether natives, Spaniards, creoles, Indians, mulattoes, or negroes : together with the natural as well as commercial history of the country : and an account of their gold and silver mines

The second edition / revised and corrected.

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Cover of: A Voyage to South America
Cover of: A voyage to South-America
Cover of: A voyage to South America

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Edition Notes

A translation of Ulloa's Relacion historica del viaje a la America Meridional ... Madrid, 1748.

The "Resumen historico del origen, y succesion de los Incas, y demas soberanos del Perú", by Garcilaso de la Vega, found in the original, is omitted from this translation.

The account of the scientific work of the expedition, written by Jorge Juan y Santacilia, was published separately, Madrid, 1748, under title, "Observaciones astronomicas, y phisicas hechas ... en los reynos del Perú ... " It is not included in this translation.

"Illustrated with copper plates."

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Library of Congress
F2221 .U426

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2 v., [7] folded leaves of plates

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Open Library

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