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New York Academy of Sciences
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Nonlinear theories, Congresses, Cosmology, Physical sciencesEdition | Availability |
The Onset of Nonlinearity in Cosmology (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, V. 927)
May 2001, New York Academy of Sciences
in English
1573313254 9781573313254
The onset of nonlinearity in cosmology
Publish date unknown, New York Academy of Sciences
1573313246 9781573313247
Book Details
Table of Contents
A random walk through models of nonlinear clustering
A new angle on gravitational clustering
The transition to nonlinearity and new constraints on biasing
Peculiar velocity surveys: optimal moments analysis
Non-gaussianity versus nonlinearity of cosmological pertubations
The cosmological mass function in the Zel-dovich approximation
Lensing of the CMB: non-gussian aspects
Cosmic statistics of statistics: N-point correlations
Dark matter caustics
Nonlinear gravittional growth inside and outside the standard cosmology
An attempt to do without dark matter
Emergence of anomalous distributions in disordered systems
The onset of nonlinearity in cosmological structure.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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