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"The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) came to power after defeating the hated military dictatorship of Mengistu's Derg a decade ago. This book is the result of an intensive monitoring over the intervening years, in various parts of Ethiopia, of the growing gap between the new regime's much-vaunted democratic intentions and the very different outcome." "It focuses in particular on the elections held in 2000 and 2001, but also provides a more wide-ranging presentation of issues and context. The contributors examine various aspects, including gender dimensions, urban and rural contrasts, class and caste conflict, environmental factors, and political violence."--BOOK JACKET
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Democratization, Politics and government, YaʾItyopyā hezboč ʾabeyotāwi démokrāsiyāwi genbār, Ethiopia. YaGizéyāwi watādarāwi ʾastadadār darg, Ethiopia, Ethiopia. YaGizéyāwi watādarāwi ʼastadādar darg, YaʼItyopyā hezboč ʼabeyotāwi démokrāsiyāwi genbār, YaʼItyop̣yā hezboč ʼabeyotāwi démokrāsiyāwi genbār, DERG (Political party : Ethiopia)Places
1991-Edition | Availability |
Ethiopia Since the Derg: A Decade of Democratic Pretension and Performance
February 8, 2003, Zed Books
in English
1842771760 9781842771761
Ethiopia Since the Derg: A Decade of Democratic Pretension and Performance
February 8, 2003, Zed Books
in English
1842771779 9781842771778
Ethiopia since the Derg: a decade of democratic pretension and performance
2002, Zed Books, distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave
in English
1842771779 9781842771778
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