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The Nramp family
2004, Landes Bioscience/, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
in English
0306478412 9780306478413
Book Details
Table of Contents
Mouse natural resistance associated macrophage protein 1 (Nramp 1): a key player in host innate immunity against infections.
Genetic susceptibility to infectious diseases linked to NRAMP1 gene in farm animals.
The NRAMP genes and human susceptibility to common diseases.
Pleiotropic effects of Nramp (Bcg/Lsh/Ity) gene expression on macrophage functions.
Role of Nramp family in pro-inflammatory diseases.
Role of Nramp2 (DMT1) in iron homeostatis.
Molecular physiology of the H+-coupled iron transporter DMT1.
Cellular and tissue expression of rat DMT1/Nramp 2.
Tissue distribution and subcellular localization of Nramp proteins.
Plant metal transporters with homology to proteins of the NRAMP family.
The role of yeast Nramp metal transporters in manganese and iron homeostatis.
Metal-ion transporters: from yeast to human diseases.
Regulation of bacterial MntH genes.
Manganese and iron transport by prokaryotic Nramp family transporters.
Role of the Nramp orthologue, MntH, in the virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Molecular evolutionary analysis of the Nramp family.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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