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Taboo in literatureEdition | Availability |
Transgression and taboo: critical essays
2005, College English Association, Caribbean Chapter Publications
in English
0972947124 9780972947121
Book Details
Table of Contents
Transgressing taboos : Tess Gallagher's Erotic of grief / Susan R. Bowers
Running down these mean streets and sex : bending masculitnity in Down these mean streets and short eye / Veronica Crichlow
Radical moments : Jane Barker and Mary Shelley on incest / Elizabeth Delaney
Handing back shame : incest and sexual confession in Sapphire's Push / Elizabeth Donaldson
Breaking the love laws : sibling incest in Midnight's children and The God of small things / Laura G. Eldred
Adorno's taboo, and its transgression / Steven Helmling
Women, sexuality and the black breast : seeming acts of transgression in popular culture and their consequences : the case of the 2003 VMA and the 2004 Superbowl half-time show / David J. Leonard
Eve Ensler and the subversive vagina / Thea Leticia Mateu
The corrupting isles : writing the Carribbean as the locus of transgression in British literature of the 18th century / Anita Raghunath
Turning a blind eye : homosexuality in Caribbean literature / Donna smith
Shave 'em dry : Lucille Bogan's Queer blues / Lorna Wheeler.
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Includes bibliographical references.
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