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Fondazione Antonio Stradivari Cremona - La Triennale,
Consorzio liutai Antonio Stradivari Cremona
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Violin, Violoncello, Exhibitions, Cello, Violin makers, Cello makersEdition | Availability |
Cremona 1730-1750: nell'Olimpo della liuteria : catalogo mostra = the Olympus of violin making : exhibition catalogue
2008, Fondazione Antonio Stradivari Cremona - La Triennale, Consorzio liutai Antonio Stradivari Cremona
in Italian
8889839155 9788889839157
Book Details
Table of Contents
I liutai di Cremona: 1730-1750, una panoramica = The violin makers of Cremona: 1730-1750, an overview / Christopher Reuning
Cremona al tempo di Stradivari = Cremona at the time of Stradivari / Giovanni Vigo
Antonio Stradivari e la liuteria cremonese tra Seicento e Settecento = Antonio Stradivari and Cremonese violin making in the 17th and 18th centuries / Carlo Chiesa
Gli anni finali della dinastia Guarneri = The final years of the Guarneri Dynasty / Duane D. Rosengard
I fori armonici di Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù: pensando fuori dagli schemi = The f-holes of Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù: thinking outside the box / Andrew Ryan
Carlo Bergonzi e suo figlio, gli ultimi eredi di Stradivari = Carlo Bergonzi and his son, heirs to the Stradivari legacy / Duane D. Rosengard
Strumenti in mostra = Exhibition instruments
Misure degli strumenti = Instrument measurements.
Edition Notes
Exhibition catalog, Cremona, Museo Ala Ponzone, 2008.
Includes bibliographical references.
Texts in English and Italian.
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