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Regression analysis, Streamflow, Stream measurementsPlaces
ColoradoEdition | Availability |
Regional regression equations for estimation of natural streamflow statistics in Colorado
2009, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
in English
1411325621 9781411325623
Regional regression equations for estimation of natural streamflow statistics in Colorado
2009, U.S. Geological Survey
in English
1411325621 9781411325623
Regional regression equations for estimation of natural streamflow statistics in Colorado
2009, U.S. Geological Survey
in English
1411325621 9781411325623
Book Details
Table of Contents
Description of study area
Previous studies
Regional regression equations for estimation of natural streamflow statistics in Colorado
Definition of hydrologic regions of Colorado
Selection of stations
Selection of stations for peak-streamflow statistics
Selection of stations for other streamflow statistics
Computation of streamflow statistics and basin and climatic characteristics
Peak-streamflow frequency
Annual- and monthly-mean streamflow and flow-duration curves
Minimum and maximum 7-day streamflow
Basin and climatic characteristics
Computation of regional regression equations
Generalized least-squares regression
Weighted least-squares regression
Discussion of selection of variables
Application and limitations of regional regression equations.
Edition Notes
"Prepared in cooperation with the Colorado Water Conservation Board and the Colorado Department of Transportation."
Includes bibliographical references.
The Physical Object
Edition Identifiers
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