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Issues of religions, conflict in religions and among ethnics, and reconciliation efforts in Indonesia.
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Reconciliation, Religion and state, Religion, Ethnic conflict, Religions, Religious aspects, RelationsPlaces
21st centuryEdition | Availability |
Agama dan pergeseran representasi: konflik dan rekonsiliasi di Indonesia
2009, Wahid Institute
in Indonesian
- Cet. 1.
6029529501 9786029529500
Agama dan pergeseran representasi: konflik dan rekonsiliasi di Indonesia
2009, Wahid Institute
in Indonesian
- Cet. 1.
6029529501 9786029529500
Book Details
Table of Contents
Mengurai konflik sunnah vs bidah di Pulau Seribu masjid / Yusuf Tantowi
Tragedi kabel mik, sepenggal kisah perseteruan Islam pribumi dan Islam puritan di Klepu Ponorogo / Ahmad Zainul Hamdi
Menyingkap tabir kasus penyerangan Naqsabandiyah di Bulukumba / Syamsurijal Ad' han
Yang sesat yang berkembang pesat, identitas Gereja Mormon dalam ruang publik Semarang / Tedi Kholiludin
Konflik Kelenteng Poncowinatan / Nur Khalik Ridwan
Reintegrasi pasca konflik etnis di Palangkaraya / Gazalirrahman
Yang Ilahiyah di Tanah Rumbu / Erna Kasypiah dan Gusti Marhusin
Dampak konflik Maluku / Abidin Wakano
Berebut kue FKUB / M. Subhi Azhari dan Dindin A. Gazali.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. [431]-445) and index.
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Work Description
Issues of inter-religion conflicts and reconciliation efforts.
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October 29, 2020 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
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