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SlovakiaEdition | Availability |
Peraḳim be-ḳorot Shoʼat Yehude Slovaḳyah: hartsaʼot be-Khenes madaʻi ʻal Yahadut Slovakyah ba-shanim 1942-1945.
1988, Givʻat Ḥavivah, Yad ṿa-shem
in Hebrew
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Edition Notes
Abstracts in English.
Cover title.
"ha-ʻOrekh, ʻAḳiva Nir"--P. [3].
"Givʻat Ḥavivah, 6.11.1984; Yad ṿa-shem, 7.11.1984"--P. [3].
"Be-ḥasut ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, ha-Universiṭah ʻa. sh. Ben-Guryon, Yad ṿa-shem, Moreshet, Hitʼaḥadut yotsʼe Ts'ekhoslovaḳyah"--P. [3].
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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