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Biopsychosocial medicine: an integrated approach to understanding illness
2005, Oxford University Press
in English
- 1st ed.
0198530331 9780198530336
Book Details
Table of Contents
The history of the biopsychosocial approach in medicine: before and after Engel / Edward Shorter
The theoretical basis of the biopsychosocial model / Helge Malmgren
Remediable or preventable social factors in the aetiology and prognosis of medical disorders / Michael Marmot
Remediable or preventable psychological factors in the aetiology and prognosis of medical disorders / Andrew Steptoe
The biopsychosocial approach: a note of caution / George Davey Smith
Can neurobiology explain the relationship between stress and disease? / Stafford Lightman
Fear and depression as remediable causes of disability in common medical conditions in primary care / Michael Von Korff
How important is the biopsychosocial approach? Some examples from research / Jos Kleijnen
Complementary and alternative medicine: shopping for health in post-modern times / Adrian Furnham
A case of irritable bowel syndrome that illustrates the biopsychosocial model of illness / Doug Drossman
Are the patient-centred and biopsychosocial approaches compatible? / Francis Creed
What are the barriers to healthcare systems using a biopsychosocial approach and how might they be overcome? / Kate Lorig
Final discussion: how to overcome the barriers
Beyond the biomedical to the biopsychosocial: integrated medicine / Peter White.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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