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Based on the authors' extensive experience in the field, this essential guide provides practitioners with the latest information on the aging process, its effects on mental health, and how older adults can be helped to lead healthier, happier, and more independent lives. Accessible and up to date, this volume is an indispensable resource for all mental health clinicians who work with older adults and serves as a text for courses in psychology and aging, gerontology, and geriatric psychiatry.
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Previews available in: English
Mental Disorders, Psychology, Older people, Aging, Mental health, Depression in old age, Neuroses in old age, Geriatric psychology, Psychotherapy for older people, In old age, Therapy, Diagnosis, Mentally ill older people, Personnes agees, Gerontopsychiatrie, Psychotherapie, Geriatrie, Depression nerveuse chez la personne agee, Geriatric psychiatry, Aged, Personnes agees malades mentales, Psychische stoornissen, Psychologie, Sante mentale, Bejaarden, Santé mentale, Gériatrie, Personnes âgées malades mentales, Dépression nerveuse chez la personne âgée, Personnes âgées, Gérontopsychiatrie, Psychothérapie, Older people, psychology, Older people, mental healthEdition | Availability |
Mental disorders in older adults: fundamentals of assessment and treatment
1998, Guilford Press
in English
1572303689 9781572303683
Book Details
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 365-403) and index.
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