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Mathematical physics, Physique mathématiquePeople
F. A. BerezinEdition | Availability |
Contemporary Mathematical Physics (American Mathematical Society Translations Series 2)
July 1996, American Mathematical Society
in English
082180426X 9780821804261
Contemporary mathematical physics: F. A. Berezin memorial volume
1996, American Mathematical Society
in English
082180426X 9780821804261
Book Details
Table of Contents
Felix Alexandrovich Berezin (A brief scientific biography) / R.A. Minlos
On the functional equation related to the quantum three-body problem / V.M. Buchstaber & A.M. Perelomov
The Differential calculus on quantum linear groups / L.D. Faddeev & P.N. Pyatov
The Penrose transform on flag domains in F(CPp2s) / Simon Gindikin
Defining relations associated with principal sl(2)-subalgebras / P. Grozman & D. Leites
A Generalization of the Berezin-Lieb inequality / A. Laptev & Yu. Safarov
Quantization on para-hermitian symmetric spaces / V.F. Molchanov
Integral operators with gaussian kernels and symmetries of canonical commutation relations / Uy. A. Neretin
Ergodic unitarily invariant measures on the space of infinite hermitian matrices / Grigori Olshanski & Anatoli Vershik
Cogitations over Berezin's integral / V.P. Palamodov
Remarks on the topology of the Hilbert grassmannian / M.A. Shubin
Asymptotic completeness / I.M. Sigal
Constructive modules and the reductivity problem in the category O / D.P. Zhelobenko
Alik Berezin in the recollections of friends
Edition Notes
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