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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Sisterhood Is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings from the Women's Liberation Movement
2000, Feminist Press at The City University of New York
in English
1558612475 9781558612471
Sisterhood Is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings from the Womens Liberation Movement
September 1970, Random House Trade Paperbacks, Random House
0394452402 9780394452401
Sisterhood is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings from the Women's Liberation Movement
1970, Random House
in English
- [1st ed.]
4 |
Sisterhood is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings from the Women's Liberation Movement
1970, Random House
in English
- [1st ed.]
Sisterhood is powerful: an anthology of writings from the women's liberation movement
1970, Vintage Books
in English
7 |
Sisterhood is powerful: an anthology of writings from the women's liberation movement
1970, Vintage Books
in English
0394705394 9780394705392
Book Details
Table of Contents
"You've come a long way, baby": historical perspectives / Connie Brown and Jane Seitz --
The oppressed majority: the way it is --
Know your enemy: a sampling of sexist quotes --
The 51 percent minority group: a statistical essay / Joreen --
The dynamics of marriage and motherhood / Beverly Jones --
Women in the professions: five short personal testimonies --
Women in medicine / Miriam Gilbert, R.N. --
"A ouse is not a home": women in publishing / Laura Furman --
Women and television / Sheila Smith Hobson --
Women in the military / Lt. Susan Schnall --
The trials of Lois Lane: women in journalism / Lindsy Van Gelder --
The secretarial proletariat / Judith Ann --
The halls of academe / Women's Caucus, Political Science Department, University of Chicago --
Women and the welfare system / Carol Glassman --
Two jobs: women who work in factories / Jean Tepperman --
Women and the Catholic church / Dr. Mary Daly --
Does the law oppress women? / Diane B. Schulder --
The invisible woman: psychological and sexual repression --
Barbarous rituals --
It hurts to be alive and obsolete: the ageing woman / Zoe Moss --
Media images 1: Madison Avenue brainwashing --
the facts / Alice Embree --
Media images 2: body odor and social order / Florika --
The politics of orgasm / Susan Lydon --
"Kinde, kuche, kirche" as scientific law: psychology constructs the female / Dr. Naomi Weisstein --
A theory of female sexuality / Mary Jane Sherfey, M.D. --
A psychiatrists's view: images of woman --
past, present, overt and obscured / Natalie Shainess, M.D. --
Unfinished business: birth control and women's liberation / Lucinda Cisler --
The hooker / Ellen Strong --
The least of these: the minority whose screams haven't yet been heard / Gene Damon --
Notes of a radical lesbian / Martha Shelley --
Sexual politics (in literature) / Kate Millett --
Go tell it in the valley: changing consciousness --
Resistances to consciousness / Irene Peslikis --
Women in the Black Liberation Movement: three views --
Double jeopardy: to be Black and female / Frances M. Beal --
For Sadie and Maude / Eleanor Holmes Norton --
Statement on birth control / Black Women's Liberation Group, Mount Vernon, New York --
High school women: three views --
The suburban scene / Connie Dvorkin --
On de-segregating Stuyvesant High / Alice de Rivera --
Excerpts from the diaries of all oppressed women / Women's Collective of the New York High School Students' Union --
Colonized women: the Chicana --
An introduction / Elizabeth Sutherland --
The Mexican-American woman / Enriquetta Longauex y Vasquez --
Experiment in freedom: women of China / Charlotte Bonny Cohen --
Up from sexism: emerging ideologies --
The grand Coolie damn / Marge Piercy --
Institutionalized oppression vs. the female / Florynce Kennedy --
The politics of housework / Pat Mainardi --
Social bases for sexual equality: a comparative view / Karen Sacks --
Self-defense for women / Susan Pasalé, Rachel Moon, Leslie B. Tanner --
Female liberation as the basis for social revolution / Roxanne Dunbar --
The hand that cradles the rock: protest and revolt --
Poetry as protest --
For witches / Susan Sutheim --
Elegy for Jayne Mansfield, July 1967 / Karen Lindsey --
A chant for my sisters / Marilyn Lowen Fletcher --
Must I marry / Lynn Strongin --
The playground (a prose poem) / Leah Fritz --
She / Maria Ann Britton --
Dancing the shout to the true gospel or The song movement sisters don't want me to sing / Rita Mae Brown --
Poem / Jayne West --
Song of the fucked duck / Marge Piercy --
Anonymous poem / a seven-year-old woman --
Terror / Martha Shelley --
Poem / Janet Russo --
Going through changes / Jean Tepperman --
The jailor / Sylvia Plath --
Historical documents --
NOW (National Organization for Women) bill of rights --
Excerpts from the SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men) manifesto / Valerie Solanis --
Principles / New York Radical Women --
No more Miss America! Ten points of protest --
Letter to our sisters in social work / WAR (Women of the American Revolution) --
How to name baby / Media Women --
Lilith's manifesto / Women's Majority Union, Seattle --
We did it / Women Against Daddy Warbucks --
Statement on the University of Chicago sit-in --
An exegesis on women's liberation / Women's Caucus within the Youth International Party --
Redstockings manifesto --
The feminists vs. the institution of marriage --
WITCH documents --
Songs --
Verbal karate: statistical and aphoristic ammunition.
Edition Notes
Bibliography: p. 567-583.
The Physical Object
Edition Identifiers
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Scriblio MARC recordmarc_cca MARC record
Ithaca College Library MARC record
Internet Archive item record
marc_openlibraries_phillipsacademy MARC record
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Library of Congress MARC record
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marc_columbia MARC record
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