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"This volume gives a comprehensive and integrated overview of current knowledge and understanding of corotating interaction regions (CIRs) in the solar wind. It is the result of a workshop at ISSI, where space scientists involved in the Ulysses, Pioneer, Voyager, IMP-8, Wind, and SOHO missions, exchanged their data and interpretations with theorists in the fields of solar and heliospheric physics.".
"The book provides a broad synthesis of current understanding of CIRs, which form at the interface between the fast solar wind originating in the northern and southern coronal holes and the slow solar wind that originates near and within coronal streamers surrounding the heliomagnetic equator.
Papers included in this volume cover the subject of CIRs from their origin in the magnetic structure of the solar atmosphere to their ultimate dissipation in the outer heliosphere, and include discussions of complexities associated with their evolution with distance from the Sun, their three-dimensional structure, and the myriad effects that CIRs have on energetic particles throughout the heliosphere.".
"The book is intended to provide scientists active in space physics research with an up-to-date status report on current understanding of CIRs and their effects in the heliosphere, and also to serve the advanced graduate student with introductory material on this active field of research."--BOOK JACKET.
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Edition | Availability |
Corotating Interaction Regions (SPACE SCIENCES SERIES OF ISSI Volume 7)
January 31, 2000, Springer
in English
079236080X 9780792360803
Corotating interaction regions: proceedings of an ISSI workshop, 6-13 June 1998, Bern, Switzerland
1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers
in English
079236080X 9780792360803
Book Details
Edition Notes
"Reprinted from Space Science Reviews, vol. 89, nos. 1-2, 1999."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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July 11, 2024 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
July 31, 2020 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
July 31, 2019 | Edited by MARC Bot | associate edition with work OL19045208W |
February 19, 2019 | Created by MARC Bot | import existing book |