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Does allowing people to own or carry guns deter violent crime? Or does it cause more citizens to harm each other? Wherever people happen to fall along the ideological spectrum, their answers are all too often founded upon mere impressionistic and anecdotal evidence. In this direct challenge to conventional wisdom, legal scholar John Lott presents the most rigorously comprehensive data analysis ever done on crime. In this provocative work he comes to a startling conclusion more guns mean less crime.
In what may be his most controversial conclusion, Lott finds that mass public shootings, such as the infamous examples of the Long Island Railroad by Colin Ferguson or the 1996 Empire State Building shooting, are dramatically reduced once law-abiding citizens in a state are allowed to carry concealed handguns.
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Previews available in: English
United StatesEdition | Availability |
More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun-Control Laws
2013, University of Chicago Press
in English
0226493679 9780226493671
More guns, less crime: understanding crime and gun-control laws
2010, The University of Chicago Press
in English
- 3rd ed.
0226493660 9780226493664
More guns, less crime: understanding crime and gun-control laws
2000, University of Chicago Press
in English
- 2nd ed.
0226493644 9780226493640
More guns, less crime: understanding crime and gun-control laws
1998, University of Chicago Press
in English
0226493636 9780226493633
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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