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Recent developments in Lie methods applied to various problems in optics and computer design are surveyed in this volume, based on lectures given and work done at the 1988 workshop held in Cocoyoc, Mexico. Topics discussed include perturbation expansions, the mathematical foundations of coherent optical computing, holographic image and interferometry, neural architecture for pattern recognition, recent progress in symbolic calculations with Lie structures together with applications, the operations of convolution and correlation of signals performed by optical means, wide-angle optics based on the Euclidean group of motions and its relation to the Heisenberg-Weyl approach to canonical quantization. Applications discussed include computer design, particle optics in the Superconducting Supercollider, and neural networks. Computational techniques are emphasized. This volume is an excellent introduction to a rather active field of research and can be recommended to graduate students as well as to researchers.
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Lie methods in optics II: proceedings of the second workshop, held at Cocoyoc, Mexico, July 19-22, 1988
1989, Springer-Verlag
in English
3540521232 9783540521235
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