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"This book is based on the notes of a graduate course on differential geometry which the author gave at the Nankai Institute of Mathematics.
It consists of two parts: the first part contains an introduction to the geometric theory of characteristic classes due to Shiing-shen Chern and Andre Weil, as well as a proof of the Gauss Bonnet Chern theorem based on the Mathai Quillen construction of Thom forms; the second part presents analytic proofs of the Poincare Hopf index formula, as well as the Morse inequalities based on deformations introduced by Edward Witten.".
"Readership: Graduate students and researchers in differential geometry, topology and mathematical physics."--BOOK JACKET.
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Lectures on Chern-Weil Theory and Witten Deformations
January 15, 2002, World Scientific Publishing Company, World Scientific Pub Co Inc
in English
- 1st edition
9810246854 9789810246853
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"The theory of characteristic classes of vector bundles over smooth manifolds plays important roles in topology and geometry."
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