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Angels, Medieval Philosophy, Philosophy, medievalEdition | Availability |
Angels in Medieval Philosophical Inquiry: Their Function and Significance
2016, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
1317181077 9781317181071
Angels in Medieval Philosophical Inquiry: Their Function and Significance
2016, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
1317181085 9781317181088
Angels in Medieval Philosophical Inquiry: Their Function and Significance
2016, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
1315567083 9781315567082
Angels in Medieval Philosophical Inquiry: Their Function and Significance
2016, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
1317181093 9781317181095
Angels in Medieval Philosophical Inquiry: Their Function and Significance
2016, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
1138251445 9781138251441
Angels in medieval philosophical inquiry: their function and significance
2007, Ashgate Pub. Ltd.
in English
0754658031 9780754658030
Book Details
Table of Contents
Introduction: The role of angels in medieval philosophical inquiry / Isabel Iribarren and Martin Lenz
Angels as exemplars of world order
The hierarchies in the writings of Alan of Lille, William of Auvergne, and St. Bonaventure / David Luscombe
Deplatonising the celestial hierarchy : Peter John Olivis interpretation of the pseudo-dionysius / Sylvain Piron
Angelic individuality and the possibility of a better world : Durandus of St Pourçains criticism of Thomas Aquinas / Isabel Iribarren
Angelic location
Abelard on angels / John Marenbon
The condemnations of 1277 and Henry of Ghent on angelic location / Richard Cross
Angels, space and place : the location of separate substances according to John Duns Scotus / Tozoana Suarez-Nani
Late medieval debates on the location of angels after the condemnation of 1277 / Henrik Wells
Angelic cognition and language
The language of angels : on the subjectivity and intersubjectivity of pure spirits / Theo Kobusch
Thought experiments : the methodological function of angels in late medieval epistemology / Dmoinik Perler
Why can't angels think properly? : Ockham against Chatton and Aquinas / Martin Lenz
Demons as psychological abstractions / Alexander Murray
Angels in the Renaissance and the early modern period
Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation angels : a comparison / Stephan Meier-Oeser
On angelic bodies : some philosophical discussions in the seventeenth century / Anja Hallacker.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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