An edition of Space, time, and mechanics (1899)

Space, time, and mechanics

basic structures of a physical theory


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March 16, 2023 | History
An edition of Space, time, and mechanics (1899)

Space, time, and mechanics

basic structures of a physical theory

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Edition Availability
Cover of: Space, Time, and Mechanics
Space, Time, and Mechanics: Basic Structures of a Physical Theory
2012, Springer London, Limited
in English
Cover of: Space, time, and mechanics
Space, time, and mechanics: basic structures of a physical theory
1983, D. Reidel Pub. Co., Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston, Springer
in English
Cover of: Space, Time, and Mechanics
Space, Time, and Mechanics
1982, Island Press
in English
Cover of: Space, Time, and Mechanics
Space, Time, and Mechanics: Basic Structures of a Physical Theory (Synthese Library)
December 31, 1899, Springer
Hardcover in English - 1 edition

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Book Details

Table of Contents

Is the geometry of physical space a form of pure sensible intuition? A technical reconstruction? Or a structure of reality? / Günther Ludwig
Relations between the Galilei-invariant and the Lorentzinvariant theories of collisions / Jürgen Ehlers
Geometrie und Physik / C.F. von Weizsäcker
Kinematics as a theory or coincidences / Heinz-Jürgen Schmidt
A constructive-axiomatic approach to physical space and spacetime geometries of constant curvature by the principle of reproducibility / Dieter Mayr
Invariance and covariance / Erhard Scheibe
The origion and role of invariance in classical kinematics / W. Balzer
The significance of physical invariance principles for the measurement of space-time quantities / Andreas Kamlah
Outline of a theory of system-times / Wolfgang Deppert
Newton ab omni naevo vindicatus / Peter Janich.

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographies and index.
Papers from a symposium sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Published in
Dordrecht, Holland, Boston, Hingham, MA
Synthese library ;, v. 163


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
QC5.56 .S68 1983, B1-5802

The Physical Object

xv, 245 p. :
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library

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March 16, 2023 Edited by ImportBot import existing book
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