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This volume provides a critical evaluation of Anna J. Schwartz's work and probes various facets of the immense contribution of her scholarship—How well has it stood the test of time? What critiques have been leveled against it? How has monetary research developed over the years, and how has her influence been manifested? Bordo has collected five conference papers presented by leading monetary scholars, discussants' comments, and closing remarks by Milton Friedman and Karl Brunner. Each of these insightful surveys extends Schwartz's work and makes its own contribution to the fields of monetary history, theory, and policy. The volume also contains a foreword by Martin Feldstein and a selected bibliography of publications by Anna Schwartz.
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Previews available in: English
Business, Nonfiction, Money, International finance, Congresses, Economic historyEdition | Availability |
Money, History, and International Finance
2008, University of Chicago Press
in English
0226066894 9780226066899
Money, History, and International Finance: Essays in Honor of Anna J. Schwartz (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)
February 13, 1989, University Of Chicago Press
in English
0226065936 9780226065939
Book Details
First Sentence
"Anna Jacobson Schwartz began her career over fifty years ago as an economic historian and ever since has continued her interest in historical issues."
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First Sentence
"Anna Jacobson Schwartz began her career over fifty years ago as an economic historian and ever since has continued her interest in historical issues."
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