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There is a moment every morning when the countryside takes a pause. The birds stop singing, the dogs choke back their barks, and cats pause mid-stride. Everything waits. It's in this vacuum that a man working alone has the best chance of finding truffles. The plot of land was perfect, just what they'd been looking for, offering expansive views across the valley and within walking distance of the local village. There was only one small problem - there was no house. And yet the land was affordable and came, the agent promised, with a possible income from a copse of truffle oaks.
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Previews available in: English
Social life and customs, Truffle culture, Description and travel, Homes, Travel, Homes and haunts, English, Country life, Manners and customs, Country life, europe, Provence (france), description and travel, Provence (france), social life and customs, Horticulture, Large type books, Livres en gros caractères, Large print booksEdition | Availability |
1 |
Ten Trees and a Truffle Dog: Sniffing Out the Perfect Plot in Provence
2013, Skyhorse Publishing Company, Incorporated
in English
1510715495 9781510715493
Ten trees and a truffle dog: sniffing out the perfect plot in provence
in English
1620876353 9781620876350
Ten Trees and a Truffle Dog: Sniffing Out the Perfect Plot in Provence
2012, Summersdale Publishers
in English
0857656937 9780857656933
Ten Trees and a Truffle Dog: Sniffing Out the Perfect Plot in Provence
2012, Summersdale Publishers
in English
0857656929 9780857656926
Ten Trees and a Truffle Dog: Sniffing Out the Perfect Plot in Provence
2012, Summersdale Publishers
in English
0857656945 9780857656940
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"A Herman Graf Book."
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