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Drugs, Society and Human Behavior provides the latest information on drug use and its effects on society as well as on the individual. Trusted for more than 40 years by both instructors and students, this authoritative resource examines drugs and drug use from a variety of perspectives-behavioral, pharmacological, historical, social, legal, and clinical. The 16th edition includes the very latest information and statistics and many new timely topics and issues have been added that are sure to pique students' interest and stimulate class discussion.
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Previews available in: English
Drogenkonsum, Pharmakokinetik, Drug effects, Psychopharmakon, Milieu, Etiology, Beeinflussung, Complications, Behavior, Substance-Related Disorders, Gesellschaft, Social aspects, Social Behavior Disorders, Droge, Neuropsychopharmacology, Psychotropic Drugs, Drugs of abuse, Drugs, Psychopharmakologie, Pharmacokinetics, Drug abuse, Drugs, social aspects, Street Drugs, Psychopharmacology, Central Nervous System Agents, Prevention & control, Social ProblemsEdition | Availability |
Drugs, society, & human behavior
2015, McGraw-Hill Education
in English
- Sixteenth edition.
0078028647 9780078028649
2 |
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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