An edition of The science of positivity (2016)

The science of positivity

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October 20, 2022 | History
An edition of The science of positivity (2016)

The science of positivity

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Sometimes it's easiest to look for the worst in every situation--our brains have evolved to scan for problems in order to help avoid them. But you can transcend this natural negativity--if you know how. The Science of Positivity teaches you how cynical thought habits are formed, and how you can rewire yourself to go beyond them. Neurochemical expert Loretta Graziano Breuning, PhD, empowers you to transcend negativity by creating new thought habits. You'll learn simple, practical actions you can take to shift your thinking to a way that causes your brain to reward optimism with the release of happy chemicals. You can even permanently replace cynical thought patterns with realistic and optimistic thoughts. In just minutes a day for six weeks, you will build new pathways to see the world in new ways. Frustration is an inevitable part of life, but rather than using cynicism to manage frustration, you can rewire your brain to get beyond it.

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Edition Availability
Cover of: The science of positivity
The science of positivity
2016, Adams Media Corporation
in English
Cover of: Science of Positivity
Science of Positivity: Stop Negative Thought Patterns by Changing Your Brain Chemistry
2016, Adams Media Corporation
in English
Cover of: Science of Positivity
Science of Positivity: Stop Negative Thought Patterns by Changing Your Brain Chemistry
2016, Adams Media Corporation
in English

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Book Details

Table of Contents

Why your brain goes negative : negativity feels good to your old circuits, but you can build new, positive circuits
The positivity of escaping threats : escaping a threat feels good, which motivates you to repeat behaviors that create the good feeling
The positivity of predictability : the joy of dopamine is released when the world meets or exceeds your expectations
The positivity of social trust : safety in numbers feels good, but the brain makes careful decisions about when to release the good feeling of trust
The positivity of getting ahead : why superiority feels satisfying
Build a PARE habit : use Personal Agency and Realistic Expectations to build a positive life
The pathway to a positive brain : train your brain to recognize positivity and embrace solutions
Appendix. Personal Agency in books and movies.

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references and index.


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
BF204.6 .B74 2017, BF204.6.B74 2016

The Physical Object

223 pages
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Internet Archive

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