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Last edited by "Teary Eyes" Anderson
June 3, 2019 | History
This book is the third in a series of 12 books based on the television show, "Castelo Ra-Tim-Bum". Each of the books in the series was based on one, or more of the characters from the show, expanding the character's story, and giving a bit more of a background to their lives. This book details the lives of Tibio and Peronio, twin scientists. It was written by Flavio de Souza, the actor that also played the part of Tibio. The book is illustrated by to artists: Ricardo Fernando Girotto, and Luis Carlos Fernandes.
Books in this series:
Colecao: Castelo Ra-Tim-Bum, book series. All illustrated by Ricardo Fernando Girotto, and Luis Carlos Fernandes.
O Album do Nino. Written by Flavio de Souza ISBN: 8585466332
O Diario de Bordo do Etevaldo. Written by Anna Muylaert ISBN: 8585466405
As Experiencias de Tibio e Peronio. Written by Flavio de Souza ISBN: 8585466472
As Memorias de Morganam. Written by Anna Muylaert ISBN: 8585466499
Os Enigmas do Mau. Written by Flavio de Souza ISBN: 8585466529
As Fofocas da Celeste. Written by Flavio de Souza ISBN: 8585466545
As Aventuras do Bongo. Written by Naninha Gitahy and Cao Hamburger ISBN: 8585466618
As Reportagens da Penelope. Written by Anna Muylaert ISBN: 8585466723
As Estripulias de Biba, Pedro e Zeca. Written by Flavio de Souza ISBN: 8585466898
As Verdades e Mentiras do Doutor Abobrinha. Written by Cao Hamburger and Ana Maria Caira ISBN: 8574060097
Lendas e Causos da Caipora. Written by Flavio de Souza ISBN: 8574060089
- As Invencoes do Dr. Victor. Written by Ana Maria Caira and Cao Hamburger ISBN: 8574060313
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Castelo Ra-Tim-Bum, Castelo Ratimbum, Castelo Ra Tim Bum, Tibio and Peronio, Tibio e Peronio, Science, Education, Silly, Humor, Twins, Skeletons, Bones, Family, Birth, Moon, Animals, Comparison, Research, Birds, Eggs, Finger prints, TonguePeople
Tibio, Peronio, Tibio e Peronio, Nino, Dr. Victor, Morgana, PorteiroRatinhoPlaces
Castelo Ra-Tim-BumTimes
1995Edition | Availability |
As Experiências de Tíbio e Perônio
1995, Companhia das Letrinhas
in Portuguese
8585466472 9788585466473
Book Details
Table of Contents
{Title page}. 1
{Porteiro, question and answer}. 2
{Meet the characters}. 4
Nossa casa. 7
O laboratorio. 8
A sala. 10
O quarto. 11
A cozinha. 12
{Explanation of bones}. 13
Nossos pais. 16
Cabum! Bum! Bum!
Nossos avos paternos, Nossos avos maternos. 21
Outros parentes. 22
{Explanation how twins are born}. 2
Caderno de anotacoes das experiencias de Tibio e Peronio
Semelhancas e diferencas entre animais. 28
{Explanation about eggs}. 36
A aventura. 38
Como os peixes dormem. 42
Impressoes digitais. 44
Para que serve a linqua. 45
{Question and answer}. 46
Copyright page. 48
Edition Notes
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