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This applied mathematic text focuses on Fourier analysis, filters and signal analysis. Scientists and engineers are confronted by the necessity of using classical mathematics such as Fourier transforms, convolution, distribution and more recently wavelet analysis in all areas of modelling. The object of this book is two-fold - on the one hand to convey to the mathematical reader a rigorous presentation and exploration of the important applications of analysis leading to numerical calculations and on the other hand to convey to the physics reader a body of theory in which the well-known formulae find their justification. The reader will find the basic study of fundamental notions such as Lebesgue integration and theory of distribution and these permit the establishment of the following areas: Fourier analysis and convolution Filters and signal analysis time-frequency analysis (gabor transforms and wavelets) The book is aimed at engineers and scientists and contains a large number of exercises as well as selected worked out solutions. The words `Translated by Robert D Ryan' should be included in ALL promotion material regarding the book.
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Fourier Analysis and Applications: Filtering, Numerical Computation, Wavelets (Texts in Applied Mathematics)
Nov 27, 2013, Springer
1461272114 9781461272113
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