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French trade unions played a historical role in the 1930s quite unlike that of any other labor movement. Against a backdrop of social unrest, parliamentary crisis, and impending world war, industrial unionists in the great metal-fabricating plants of the Paris Region carried out a series of street mobilizations, factory occupations, and general strikes that were virtually unique in Western history.
Written in a style that evokes the vivid character of this turbulent era, Every Factory a Fortress recounts the story of the Paris metal workers who organized the largest Communist union in the Western world, reshaped industrial relations, and, ultimately, changed the course of French destinies.
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Previews available in: English
History, Metal-workers, Labor unions and communism, Industrial mobilization, Strikes and lockouts, Labor unions, Labor movement, Industrial productivity, Metallindustrie, Metallarbeiter, Vakverenigingen, Gewerkschaft, Travailleurs des Metaux, Stakingen, Streik, Mobilisation industrielle, Productivite, Metaalindustrie, Mouvement ouvrier, Syndicats, Histoire, Geschichte 1930-1940, Arbeiterbewegung, Bedrijfsbezettingen, Syndicats et communisme, Greves et lock-out, Labor unions, france, Strikes and lockouts, steel industryTimes
20th centuryEdition | Availability |
Every factory a fortress: the French labor movement in the age of Ford and Hitler
1999, Ohio University Press
in English
0821412752 9780821412756
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 239-255) and index.
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