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The efficient management of a consistent and integrated database is a central task in modern IT and highly relevant for science and industry. Hardly any critical enterprise solution comes without any functionality for managing data in its different forms. Web-Scale Data Management for the Cloud addresses fundamental challenges posed by the need and desire to provide database functionality in the context of the Database as a Service (DBaaS) paradigm for database outsourcing. This book also discusses the motivation of the new paradigm of cloud computing, and its impact to data outsourcing and service-oriented computing in data-intensive applications. Techniques with respect to the support in the current cloud environments, major challenges, and future trends are covered in the last section of this book. A survey addressing the techniques and special requirements for building database services are provided in this book as well.
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Web-Scale Data Management for the Cloud
2013, Springer New York, Imprint: Springer
electronic resource /
in English
1461468566 9781461468561
3 |
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