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Previews available in: English
Vertical gardening, GardeningEdition | Availability |
Vertical gardening: grow up, not out, for more vegetables and flowers in much less space
2011, Rodale, Distributed by Macmillan
in English
1605290823 9781605290829
Book Details
Table of Contents
What is vertical gardening?
Choosing the site and preparing the soil
Arbors, arches, pergolas, and trellises
Planters and supports
Containers and hanging planters
Seed starting and propagating
Controlling pests and diseases
Controlling weeds, watering, fertilizing, and pruning
Vegetables for vertical gardens
Fruits for vertical gardens
Ornamental annual vines
Ornamental perennial and woody vines
Designing with ornamental vines.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. 356-357) and index.
The Physical Object
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