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In the early morning hours of February 19, 2006, a sudden blast shook a coal mine in northern Mexico, trapping sixty-five workers in a subterranean tunnel. Labor department inspectors and the company operating the mine had ignored the egregiously hazardous state of the work site and were failing miserably at a rescue effort. The senseless tragedy-- stemming directly from an insatiable hunger for profits-- set off a massive confrontation between the National Miners' Union and the transnational corporations that wield great power in the country's government.
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Previews available in: English
Mine explosions, Sindicato Minero (Mexico), Labor unions, Officials and employees, Coal mine accidents, Coal miners, Biography, History, nyt:combined-print-and-e-book-nonfiction=2013-06-30, New York Times bestseller, Strikes and lockouts, miners, Mines and mineral resources, mexico, Industrial policy, mexico, Labor unions, mexicoPeople
Napoleón Gómez UrrutiaPlaces
Nueva Rosita, MexicoEdition | Availability |
Collapse of dignity: the story of a mining tragedy and the fight against greed and corruption in Mexico
2013, BenBella Books, Inc.
in English
1939529220 9781939529220
Book Details
Table of Contents
The succession
A new leader
Toma de Nota
The explosion
In the time
The resistance
A legal farce
A global war
Dashed hope
Proof of conspiracy
Slander and redemption
Three strikes
The offer
A faulty bridge
The Larrea brothers go missing
A new casualty
The trick
The exile
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The Physical Object
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