Thomas Merton and the noonday demon

the Camaldoli correspondence

Thomas Merton and the noonday demon
Donald Grayston, Donald Grayst ...

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Last edited by Altercari
February 4, 2025 | History

Thomas Merton and the noonday demon

the Camaldoli correspondence

How did Thomas Merton become Thomas Merton? Starting out from any one of his earlier major life moments -- wealthy orphan boy, big man on campus, fervent Roman Catholic convert, new and obedient monk -- we find ourselves asking how by his life's end he had grown from who he was then into a transcultural and transreligious spiritual teacher read by millions. This book takes another such starting point: his attempt in the mid-1950s to move from his abbey of Gethsemani, in Kentucky -- a place that had become, in his view, noisy beyond bearing -- to an Italian monastery, Camaldoli, which he idealized as a place of monastic peace. The ultimate irony: Camaldoli at that time, bucolic and peaceful outwardly, was inwardly riven by a pre-Vatican II culture war; whereas Gethsemani, which he tried so hard to leave, became, when he was given his hermitage there in 1965, his place to recover Eden. In walking with Merton on this journey, and reading the letters he wrote and received at the time, we find ourselves asking, as he did, with so much energy and honesty, the deep questions that we may well need to answer in our own lives.

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Edition Availability
Cover of: Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon
Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon: The Camaldoli Correspondence
2015, Wipf & Stock Publishers
in English
Cover of: Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon
Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon: The Camaldoli Correspondence
Oct 13, 2015, Lutterworth Press
Cover of: Thomas Merton and the noonday demon
Cover of: Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon
Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon: The Camaldoli Correspondence
2015, Wipf & Stock Publishers
in English
Cover of: Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon
Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon: The Camaldoli Correspondence
2015, Lutterworth Press
in English

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Book Details

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references (pages 281-288) and index.


Library of Congress
BX4705.M542 G73 2015, BX4705.M542G73 2015

The Physical Object

xxi, 297 pages
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library

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Thomas Merton is a writer, to use the language of the Enneagram, who engages the reader head, heart, and gut. Further to the point, he is a human being who was engaged in his own life, head, heart, and gut. He was not a philosopher, nor an abstract or analytic thinker; nor would he have claimed to be a theologian, at least in the systematic sense. Because he regularly dealt with theological matters, he more than once found himself criticized because he did not bring system to what he wrote. But Evagrius would have recognized him as a theologian, because he was a man of prayer, and this for Evagrius was what made a person a theologian. He wasn’t in any major sense a novelist, although he did publish one novel, My Argument with the Gestapo, and he did write some early novels that he had no luck in getting published. He was certainly a poet, but he did not confine his poetry to those short pieces of very condensed writing that we call poems. His prose, confounding our neat categories, is full of poetry, not only in the sense of those chunks of it that jump out at us as found poems, but in his ability to combine an image with a phrase in a way that activates both sides of our brains. As well as being a poet, he was a gifted essayist, as demonstrated by the recent publication of Thomas Merton: Selected Essays.
Page 33, added by Altercari.

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