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Poland and Russia have a long relationship that encompasses centuries of mutual antagonism, war, and conquest. The twentieth century has been particularly intense, including world wars, revolution, massacres, national independence, and decades of communist rule--for both countries. Since the collapse of communism, historians in both countries have struggled to come to grips with this difficult legacy. This pioneering study, prepared by the officially sanctioned Polish-Russian Group on Difficult Matters, is a comprehensive effort to document and fully disclose the major conflicts and interrelations between the two nations from 1918 to 2008, events that have often been avoided or presented with a strong political bias. This is the English translation of this major study, which has received acclaim for its Polish and Russian editions. The chapters offer parallel histories by prominent Polish and Russian scholars who recount each country's version of the event in question. Among the topics discussed are the 1920 Polish-Russian war, the origins of World War II and the notorious Hitler-Stalin pact, the infamously shrouded Katyn massacre, the communization of Poland, Cold War relations, the Solidarity movement and martial law, and the renewed relations of contemporary Poland and Russia.
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Previews available in: English
Foreign relations, Relations, History, Poland, relations, foreign countries, Russia (federation), relations, Diplomatic relations, International relations, Soviet Union -- Foreign relations -- Poland, Poland -- Foreign relations -- Soviet Union, Russia (Federation) -- Foreign relations -- Poland, Poland -- Foreign relations -- Russia (Federation), Poland -- Relations -- Russia (Federation), Soviet Union -- History, Russia (Federation) -- History -- 20th century, Poland -- History -- 20th century, Poland, Russia (Federation), Soviet UnionPlaces
Poland, Russia (Federation), Soviet UnionTimes
20th centuryEdition | Availability |
White Spots--Black Spots: Difficult Matters in Polish-Russian Relations, 1918-2008
2015, University of Pittsburgh Press
in English
0822980959 9780822980957
White spots, black spots: difficult matters in Polish-Russian relations, 1918-2008
2015, University of Pittsburgh Press
in English
0822944405 9780822944409
Book Details
Edition Notes
Abridged translation of: Biale plamy-czarne plamy : sprawy trudne w polsko-rosyjskich stosunkach 1918-2008 / Polsko-Rosyjska Grupa do Spraw Trudnych ; pod redakcją Adama Daniela Rotfelda i Anatolija W. Torkunowa. Warszawa : PISM, 2010. Published simultaneously in Russian as: Belye pi︠a︡tna--chernye pi︠a︡tna : slozhnye voprosy v rossiĭsko-polʹskikh otnoshenii︠a︡kh. Moskva : Aspekt Press, 2010.
"This abridged English edition contains mainly the summaries of the original Polish and Russian studies ... with the understanding that the professional readers ... will consult ... the original ... editions for all notes and source information, including the chapter on bibliography that is omitted in the English edition"--Page x.
Includes index.
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