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When Grace arrives at Tall Towers Princess Academy, her name isn t on the Fairy Godmother s list of students. She isn t elegant at all not even her curtsy is graceful. And all the other girls are sure she s headed straight back to her tiny, messy kingdom. But one unicorn knows better. He s clumsy and dirty and the perfect match for Grace! And together they have tons of fun. But the other princesses aren t convinced Grace belongs at the academy. Can she prove that being a princess is about more than just being perfect?
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Previews available in: English
Schools, Boarding schools, Juvenile fiction, Unicorns, PrincessesEdition | Availability |
Princess DisGrace: a royal disaster
2016, Random House Children's Books
in English
- First American edition.
055353775X 9780553537758
Book Details
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"Originally published in paperback by Scholastic UK in 2014.".
456 Childrens Plus, Inc.
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