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"The concept of vaporwave is a function of franken music. Taking samples of other music, endlessly repeating sounds, words and phrases either spoken or musical, and slapping them all together into an mp3 package, vaporwave can infuriate, bore or be completely ignored. It can have zero musical value, or appear as outright theft. It is a rebellion of sorts against the powerful commercial music establishment that dictates our tastes. To Grafton Tanner, it is the poster child of the decline and fall of western civilization. It is at very least yet another symptom"--David Wineberg, Amazon via NetGalley.
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Babbling corpse: vaporwave and the commodification of ghosts
2016, Zero Books
in English
1782797599 9781782797593
Book Details
Table of Contents
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (pages 82-83) and discography (page 84).
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