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PsychotherapyEdition | Availability |
Dimensions of the therapist response as causal factors in therapeutic change.
1962, American Psychological Association
in English
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Edition Notes
Bound with: Contradiction between overt and projective personality indicators as a function of defensiveness; Some determinants of reactions to being approved or disapproved as a person; Development three years after perinatal anoxia and other potentially damaging newborn experiences; Mechanisms of defense and readiness in perception and recall; Analysis of nonreinforcement variables affecting response probability; Measurement of adjustment in adolescents, an extension of personal construct theory and methodology; Factors in acquiring knowledge of a mathematical task; Development of MMPI scales based on a reference group of psychiatric patients; Identification, "oppositeness," authoritarianism, self esteem and birth order; The role of intellectual factors in problem solving; A threshold conception of need value; Stimulus characteristics and percentage of occurrence of response membersin paired-associates learning; Group learning; The effects of repeated trials and prolonged fixation on error in the Muller-Lyer figure; Experimental studies of psychological stress in man; Intellect after lobotomy in schizophrenia, a factor-analytic study; An S-R inventory of anxiousness; Studies in the abstraction process; The development of cooperation in the "minimal social situation"; Theory and data on the interrelationships of three factors of memory; A cross-cultural study of social distance; Factors in in-basket performance; Ego identity and the social order, a psychological analysis of six Indonesians; An evaluation of an intensive group living program with schizophrenia patients; Recognition memory-span measurement for nonsense-shape orientations and the "Span hold constancy" hypothesis; Some explorations of theory of vocational choice; The relation of bilingualism to intelligence; The relationship of clinical experience and training methods to several criteria of clinical predition; Exploratory studies of the conditioning of autonomic responses in curarized dogs; Stress and hallucinatory effects of perceptual isolation and continent; An experimental study of role playing; Cognitive processes in deaf and hearing adolescents and adults; Some characteristics of intrajudge trait intercorrelations; A laboratory study of psychological stress produced by a motion picture film; Some effects of cognitive selection processes on learning and memory; A test of milieu effects with some of Piagent's tasks; The use of training to increase intensity of angry verbalization; The effects of prenatal maternal stress on offspring behavior in rats; Conditioning autonomic responses of mentally subnormal individuals; Human traumatic avoidance learning: theory and experiments on operant-respondant distinction and failure to learn; Differentiation and abstraction in concept formation; Discrimination reaction time as a function of the number of stimulus-response pairs and the self-pacing; Psychophysical parameters of vowel preception.
Includes bibliography.
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