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Edition Notes
Name of printer supplied by Pollard.
Despite the title, this work describes New England, and not modern day Virginia.
"A treatise, conteining important inducements for the planting in these parts, and finding a passage that way to the South Sea and China", p. 15-24, has separate caption title.
"Inducements to the liking of the voyage intended towards Virginia in 40. and 42. degrees of latitude, written 1585. by M. RIchard Hakluyt the elder, sometime student of the Middle Temple", p. 25-36, has separate caption title.
"A briefe note of the corne, fowles, fruits and beasts of the inland of Florida on the backeside of Virginia, taken out of the 44 chapter of the discouery of the said countrey, begun by Fernando de Soto gouernour of Cuba, in the yeere of our Lord 1539", p. 37-38, has separate caption title.
"A note of such commodities as are found in Florida next adioning vnto the south part of Virginia, taken out of the description of the said countrey, written by Monsieur Rene Laudonniere, who inhabited there two sommers and one winter", p. 39-40, has separate caption title, and is an excerpt of "L'histoire notable de la Floride situee es Indes Occidentales" first printed in Paris, 1586.
"A briefe extract of the merchantable commodities of the south part of Virginia, ann. 1585. and 1586. Gathered out of the learned worke of master Thomas Herriot, which was there remaining the space of seuen moneths", p. 41-45, has separate caption title, and is an excerpt of "A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia" printed in London, 1588.
"Certaine briefe testimonies touching sundry rich mines of gold, siluer, and copper, in part found and in part constantly heard of, in north Florida, and the inland of the Maine of Virginia, and other countreys there vnto on the north parte neere adioning, gathered out of the works, all (one excepted) extant in print, of such as were personall trauellers in those countries", p. 46-48, has separate caption title.
An issue with 28 pages printed in the same year by the same printer has title: A briefe and true relation of the discouerie of the north part of Virginia; being a most pleasant, fruitfull and commodious soile: made this present yeere 1602, by captaine Bartholomew Gosnold, captaine Bartholowmew [sic] Gilbert, and diuers other gentlemen their associats, by the permission of the honourable knight, Sir Walter Ralegh, &c. Written by M. Iohn Brereton one of the voyage. Whereunto is annexed a treatise, conteining important inducements for the planting in those parts, and finding a passage that way to the South Sea, and China. Written by M. Edward Hayes, a gentleman long since imploied in the like action.
Signatures: A-F⁴ (A1 verso blank)
Title page printed within ornamental woodcut border; head and tail pieces; initials.
Vail, R.W.G. Voice of the old frontier, 10.
Church, E.D. Catalogue of books relating to the discovery and early history of North and South America, 326.
Pollard, A.W. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (2nd ed.), 3611.
Bibliotheca Americana: catalogue of the John Carter Brown Library in Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, II: p. 15.
European Americana, 602/19.
English short title catalogue, S122400.
Purchase; 1846; 0287.
John Carter Brown Library copy imperfect: title page mounted on stiff paper; some leaves are closely cropped on the foredge, affected printed marginal notes.
John Carter Brown Library copy bound in 19th century full calf.
Provenance of the John Carter Brown Library copy: H.T. [i.e. Henri Ternaux-Compans]: gilded book stamp on front and rear boards.
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