An edition of Madonna, bawdy & soul (1997)

Madonna, bawdy & soul

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July 12, 2024 | History
An edition of Madonna, bawdy & soul (1997)

Madonna, bawdy & soul

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How do bad girls get away with it? How did Madonna, subject of public outcry for her controversial performances and her book Sex, become a superstar of pop culture and a role model for teenage girls? Why now, as star of Evita and a new mother, is she becoming a mainstream hero?

Karlene Faith says that Madonna signifies the times we live in. We are, in a sense, all responsible for who Madonna is. As fans, moral critics, media journalists, or university scholars, we mediate what she means to our society. And Madonna, as a shrewd career woman, has known how to exploit our attentions with her multiple talents. Her representation of sexual practices and values has not taken place in a political or social vacuum.

She has counted on our readiness to witness the smashing of cultural taboos. Feminist reactions to Madonna have been divided. In her early career Madonna was a teenage role model, applauded as a liberated sex crusader. Later, she raised eyebrows by portraying cynical sex with multiple partners across identity boundaries and by capitalizing on sadomasochistic imagery.

Madonna, Bawdy & Soul is a celebration and critical analysis of Madonna from a feminist perspective. It will, like Madonna, provoke controversy among fans, critics, and scholars. The book includes a comprehensive listing of songs, videos, tours, films, stage roles, and Internet sites.

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Cover of: Madonna, bawdy & soul
Madonna, bawdy & soul
1997, University of Toronto Press
in English
Cover of: Madonna, bawdy & soul
Madonna, bawdy & soul
1997, University of Toronto Press
in English

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Book Details

Edition Notes

"Appendix: Selected works of Madonna by Frances Wasserlein".

Includes bibliographical references (p. [189]-200, discography (p. 178-184), filmography (p. 176-178), videography (p. 172-175) and index.

Published in
Other Titles
Madonna, bawdy and soul.


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
ML420.M183 F174 1997eb, ML420.M1387 F35 1997, ML420.M1387F35 1997

The Physical Object

xv, 217 p. ;
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
0802042082, 0802080634
97930985, 98103001
36989817, 39181081
Library Thing

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