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Book Details
Table of Contents
This atomic age
The atomic bomb demands Biblical phrases
The concept of atoms among ancient Greek philosophers
The attitude of the church fathers to the conception of atoms
Atoms across the ages
The structure of atoms and the meaning of nuclear fission
The prediction of the Apostle Peter regarding the final dissolution of the heavens and the Earth
A survey of the interpretation and use of St. Peter's description of the final conflagration
Ouranos : Uranus : Uranium
One world
A world dictator
The prince of the power of the air
"Wars and rumors of wars"
"In the caves and rocks of the mountains"
"Men's hearts failing them for fear"
Sodom and Gomorrah : "the punishment of eternal fire"
The need for a regenerated humanity and the only hope for such a transformation
"The time is short"
Victory in Christ.
Edition Notes
Includes index.
The Physical Object
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