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Bible, Mystical body of Jesus Christ, Christian communities, Mystical body, Criticism, interpretation, Exegese, Neues Testament, Ekklesiologie, Effizienz, Wirtschaftstheorie, Spiritual Gifts, Early church, Begriff, Church, Gemeindeaufbau, History of doctrines, Korintherbrief <I.> 12, Jesus christ, mystical body, Paul, the apostle, saint, Bible, criticism, interpretation, etc., n. t. epistles, Church, history of doctrinesTimes
Early church, ca. 30-600Edition | Availability |
Paulinische Ökonomie: der Effizienzbegriff in 1. Korinther 12 und seine Bedeutung für die Gemeindekonzeption
2010, Lang
in German
3631609418 9783631609415
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Originally presented as the author's thesis--Carl von Ossietzky-Universität, 2010.
Includes bibliographical references.
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