An edition of Light from the Gentiles (2014)

Light from the Gentiles

Hellenistic philosophy and early Christianity : collected essays, 1959-2012


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An edition of Light from the Gentiles (2014)

Light from the Gentiles

Hellenistic philosophy and early Christianity : collected essays, 1959-2012

Rather than viewing the Graeco-Roman world as the "background" against which early Christian texts should be read, Abraham J. Malherbe saw the ancient Mediterranean world as a rich ecology of diverse intellectual traditions that interacted within specific social contexts. These essays, spanning over fifty years, illustrate Malherbe's appreciation of the complexities of this ecology and what is required to explore philological and conceptual connections between early Christian writers, especially Paul and Athenagoras, and their literary counterparts who participated in the religious and philosophical discourse of the wider culture. Malherbe's essays laid the groundwork for the magisterial commentary on the Thessalonian correspondence and launched the contemporary study of Hellenistic moral philosophy and early Christianity. (provided by publisher).

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Table of Contents

v. 1. Neotestamentica: The Corinthian contribution ; The task and method of exegesis ; The beasts at Ephesus ; "Gentle as a nurse" : the Cynic background to 1 Thessalonians 2 ; The inhospitality of Diotrephes ; Social level and literary culture of early Christianity ; MH I'ENOITO in the diatribe and Paul ; Medical imagery in the Pastoral Epistles ; Antisthenes and Odysseus, and Paul at war ; Exhortation in First Thessalonians ; "In season and out of season" : 2 Timothy 4:2 ; Paul : Hellenistic philosopher or Christian pastor?
"Not in a corner" : early Christian apologetic in Acts 26:26 ; "Pastoral care" in the Thessalonian church ; Did the Thessalonians write to Paul? ;Traditions and theology of care in the New Testament ; Paulus Senex ; Determinism and free will in Pau l: the argument of 1 Corinthians 8 and 9 ; God's new family at Thessalonica;- Paul's self-sufficiency (Philippians 4:11) ; The Christianization of a topos (Luke 12:13-34) ; Conversion to Paul's gospel ; Anti-Epicurean rhetoric in 1 Thessalonians ; The Apostle Paul as a pastor ; Paraenesis in the Epistle to Titus ; "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" : soteriology in the Pastoral Epistles ; The virtus feminarum in 1 Timothy 2:9-15 ; How to treat old women and old men : the use of philosophical traditions and Scripture in 1 Timothy 5 ; Godliness, self-sufficiency, greed, and the enjoyment of wealth : 1 Timothy 6:3-19 ; Overseers as household managers in the Pastoral Epistles ; Ethics in context : the Thessalonians and their neighbors.
v. 2. Philosophica: Pseudo-Heraclitus, Epistle 4 : the divinization of the wise man ; Self-definition among the Cynics ; Heracles ;Hellenistic moralists and the New Testament ; The cultural context of the New Testament : the Graeco-Roman world
Patristica: Apologetic and philosophy in the second century ; Towards understanding the apologists : review article ; The structure of Athenagoras, Supplicatio pro Christianis ; Athenagoras on Christian ethics ; The Holy Spirit in Athenagoras ; Athenagoras on the location of God ; Athenagoras on the poets and philosophers ; The apologetic theology of the Preaching of Peter ; Justin and Crescens ; A physical description of Paul ; "Seneca" on Paul as letter writer
Theologica and miscellanea: A people under the Word : theological interpretation ; Continuities in scholarship : the work of Nils Dahl ; A review of Hans Dieter Betz, ed., Plutarch's ethical writings and early Christian literature ; A review of Helmut Koester, Introduction to the New Testament ; On the writing of commentaries.

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Published in
Leiden, Boston
Supplements to Novum Testamentum -- volume 150, Supplements to Novum Testamentum -- v. 150.
Other Titles
Hellenistic philosophy and early Christianity


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
BS2650.52 .M26 2014, BS2650.52.M26 2013, BS2650.52.M26 2013eb

The Physical Object

2 volumes (xl, 1113 pages)
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
9004253394, 9004253378, 9004253386, 9004256520
9789004253391, 9789004253377, 9789004253384, 9789004256521

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