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Book Details
Table of Contents
A biography of Robert Pierce Casey in the Old Testament / D.W. Thomas
MS894: a collation and an analysis / J.N. Birdsall
The quantitative relationship between MS Text-types / E.C. Colwell and E.W. Tune
Ein neuer Zeuge zum westlichen Text der Apostelgeschichte / B. Fisher
An eclectic study of the text of Acts / G.D. Kilpatrick
Explicit references in the works of Origen to variant readings in New Testament manuscripts / B.M. Metzger
Chicago studies in the Greek lectionary of the New Testament / A. Wikgren
Basile de Cesaree et Damase de Rome: Les causes de l'echec de leurs negociations / E.A. de Mendieta
Fragments de l'Ambrosienne de Milan a restituer aux mss. syriaques de Sinaie 46 et 16 / R. Draguet
The fragments of the Greek Apologists and Irenaeus / R.M. Grant
A homily on the raising of Lazarus and the harrowing of hell / Sirarpie der Nersessian
A note on the anaphoras described in the liturgical homilies of Narsai / E.C. Ratcliff
The text of the Syriac Athanasian Corpus / R.W. Thomason
Bibliography of R.P. Casey.
Edition Notes
"Bibliography of Robert Pierce Casey (excluding reviews) ": pages 265-269.
Contributions in English, French, and German. One passage in Latin. Plates in Syriac.
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