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In the footsteps of Sherlock Holmes: studies in the Biblical text in honour of Anneli Aejmelaeus
2014, Peeters
in English
9042930411 9789042930414
Book Details
Table of Contents
Preface : notes from the three
Section 1. The Septuagint, origins and translation. Scribes, translators, and the formation of authoritative scripture / Benjamin G. Wright
The concept of the translator(s) in the contemporary study of the Septuagint / Joachim Schaper
The Septuagint translation of Genesis as the first scripture translation / Emanuel Tov
Women labouring / Takamitsu Muraoka
Accuracy and idiom : the renderings of mittahat in the Septuagint Pentateuch / John A.L. Lee
Renderings of the Hebrew semipreposition [Hebrew word] in 1-4 reigns / Raija Sollamo
Das Praesens historicum in den griechischen Samuelbüchern / Raimund Wirth
The Greek rendering of Hebrew hapax legomena in LXX Proverbs and Job : a clue to the question of a single translator? / Bénédicte Lemmelijn
The use and non-use of the particle Oun in the Septuagint / Michael N. van der Meer
Does the Septuagint translator speak about the end of times? : a study of eis to teloc, dynedis and dyniēmi / Staffan Olofsson
Mellō-auxiliary verb construction in the Septuagint / Anssi Voitila
To settle and to dwell : on lexical variation in the old Greek of Isaiah / Arie van der Kooij
Section 2. The Septuagint, and the versions. textual criticism and textual history. Textual variants in Joshua-Kings involving the terms 'people' and 'Israel' / Julio Trebolle Barrera
Old Latin text of Josh 5:4-6 and its contribution to the textual history of the Greek Joshua / Seppo Sipilä
The relationship between SAM-MT, 4QSAM[superscript A], and CHR and the case of 2 SAM 2 / Zipora Talshir
Between the search in the word and the asking to God : two mantic verbs in the textual history of Samuel-Kings / Andrés Piquer Otero & Pablo Torijano Morales
The unique Messiah : a tendency in favour of David's kingship in the MT of Samuel / Philppe Hugo
David and Saul's daughters / Christian Seppänen
Is there a place for conjectures in a critical edition of the Hebrew Bible? : Reflections in preparation of a critical text of 1 Kings / Jan Josten
Yahweh, the sun-god, wants a new temple : theological corrections in 1Kgs 8:12-13/3Ref 8:52[superscript a] / Juha Pakkala
Old Greek un semi-kaige : zur Frage hebraisierender Bearbeitung in den Nicth-kaige-Abschnitten der Samuel- und Königebücher / Siegfried Kreuzer
Ezekiel in Symmachus : textual criticism / Johan Lust
Does a shorter Hebrew parent text underlie Old Greek Job? / Claude Cox
The Aristarchian signs in the textual tradition of LXX Ecclesiastes / Peter J. Gentry
Mal 3:22-24 (4:1-6) in the Hebrew and Greek : some remarks concerning its function in the canon / Hans Ausloos
Section 3. The Septuagint in New Testament and Christian use. Genesis 47:31 and Hebrews 11:21 / Georg A. Walser
The books of Kings as an intertext of revelation / Tuukka Kauhanen
Ézéchiel 2 dans la version de la Septante : notes philologiques et patristiques / Katrin Hauspie
Malachias the monk on the numerical Proverbs : sources and exegetical tradition / Reinhart Ceulemans
Section 4. The Septuagint in Jewish tradition. The tabernacle accounts in LXX Exodus and their reception in Hellenistic Judaism / Alison Salvesen
Seeking 'the Septuagint' in a scroll dependent world / Robert A. Kraft
Section 5. Hebrew Bible and Dead Sea Scrolls. Since when do prophets write? / Martti Nissinen
What is a variant edition? : Perspectives from the Qumran scrolls / George J. Brooke
Intentional variant editions or sporadic isolated insertions in 4QSAM[superscript a] and the Masoretic text? / Eugene Ulrich
The character of Leviticus traditions at Qumran / Sarianna Metso
Conceptualizing GER in the Dead Sea Scrolls / Jutta Jokiranta
Defining authority / Hanne von Weissenberg.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references.
In English, with two German and one French contributions.
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