An edition of Cult and cosmos (2014)

Cult and cosmos

tilting toward a temple-centered theology

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April 5, 2023 | History
An edition of Cult and cosmos (2014)

Cult and cosmos

tilting toward a temple-centered theology

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The association between creation and the temple is a key element of the cultural context of the Hebrew Bible, and foundational for understanding its cultic theology. Situated within the common cultic ideology of the ancient Near East, Israel's temple on the mountain of God was considered the central axis and naval of creation, its architecture, furnishings, and rituals pervaded by cosmogonic symbolism. Having emerged out of the twentieth century's predisposed disdain for priestly material, the theological prominence of the temple within the Hebrew Bible is increasingly recognized by scholars. This volume, republishing pivotal scholarship on the interface of cult and cosmos, forms a primer on this significant area of study, tracing major voices in the conversation, from archaeological and ancient Near Eastern studies to biblical studies and the theological prospect of Israel's cults.

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Table of Contents

Cult and cosmos: William F. Albright (1942): The place of the Temple of Solomon in the history of Israelite religion
Eric Burrows (1935): Some cosmological patterns in Babylonian religion
John M. Lundquist (1984): The common temple ideology of the ancient Near East
Ronald E. Clements (1965)
Sacred mountains, temples and the presence of God
Richard J. Clifford (1984): The Temple and the Holy Mountain
Lawrence E. Stager (1999): Jerusalem and the Garden of Eden
Cult, cosmos, and biblical history: Peter J. Kearney (1977): Creation and liturgy: the P redaction of Ex 25-40
Walter Vogels (1997): The cultic and civil calendars of the Fourth Day of Creation
Moshe Weinfeld (1981): Sabbath, temple and the enthronement of the Lord: the problem of the Sitz im Leben of Genesis 1:1-2:3
Gordon J. Wenham (1986): Sanctuary symbolism in the Garden of Eden story
Joaquim Azevedo (1999): At the door of Paradise: a contextual interpretation of Gen. 4:7
Steven W. Holloway (1991): What ship goes there? The Flood narratives in the Gilgamesh Epic and Genesis considered in the light of ancient Near Eastern temple ideology
Joseph Blenkinsopp (1976): The structure of P
Jon D. Levenson (1994): Cosmos and microcosm
Robert Luyster (1981): Wind and water: cosmogonic symbolism in the Old Testament
Herbert G. May (1955): Some Cosmic connotations of Mayim Rabbîm, "Man Waters"
Bernard F. Batto (1983): The Reed Sea: Requiescat in Pace
P. Kyle McCarter (1973): The river ordeal in Israelite literature
Cult, cosmos, and biblical theology: Mircea Eliade (1957): Sacred space and making the world sacred
Terence E. Fretheim (1991): The reclamation of creation: redemption and law in Exodus
Bernard Och (1995): Creation and redemption: towards a theology of creation
Frank H. Gorman, Jr. (1993): Priestly rituals of founding: time, space, and status
Gary A. Anderson (1988): The cosmic mountain: Eden and its early interpreters in Syriac Christianity
Michael Fishbane (1975): The sacred center: the symbolic structure of the Bible.

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Published in
Leuven, Walpole, MA
Biblical tools and studies -- volume 18, Biblical tools and studies -- v. 18.
Copyright Date


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
BM655 .C853 2014, BS680.T4 C84 2014, BS680.T4C84 2014, BM655 .M67 2014

The Physical Object

xiii, 429 pages
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library

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