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This volume in the series "Legal perspectives for global challenges" brings together various contributions on climate change remedies. The papers emanate from an international research project, set up under the auspices of the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study, dealing with how the law can meaningfully contribute to the debate on global challenges, such a sustainable development and climate change. The contributions are written by experts in the field and will be of interest to environmental lawyers and policy makers.
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Criminal law, Political science, Environmental sciences, Climatic changes, Law and legislation, Greenhouse gas mitigation, Climate change mitigation, Offenses against the environment, Injunctions, Climatic changes / Law and legislation, Environmental law / Criminal provisions, Greenhouse gas mitigation / Law and legislation, Klimaänderung, Umweltrecht, Internationales Strafrecht, Umwelthaftung, Environmental law, Criminal provisionsEdition | Availability |
Climate Change Remedies: Injunctive Relief and Criminal Law Responses
2013, Eleven International Publishing
in English
9462360804 9789462360808
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